Monday, May 11, 2020

10 smart ways to manage your finances in times of Covid-19

The majority of the nation is confronting the trouble of an authorized lockdown due to Covid-19. Nonetheless, this additionally offers us the chance to decide approaches to deal with our accounts better.
Albert Einstein had once said that "In trouble, lies opportunity". The greater part of the nation is confronting the trouble of an upheld lockdown due to Covid-19. In any case, this likewise offers us the chance to decide approaches to deal with our funds better, which could be valuable much after the finish of this pandemic. 

Here are 10 simple ways:

1) A great model for your monthly budget is the 50/30/20 rule. 50% of your salary should go toward things that you need (E.g. Food, rent, education, EMIs etc.), 30% on things that you want (E.g. Restaurants, movies, non-food shopping, travel etc.) and 20% allocated to safe investments like debt/equity mutual funds that can be used as a corpus to be used for large expenses (E.g. Health issues, College fees, Weddings etc.). The curfew has greatly limited our ability to go out of the house to spend money on we want. This extended homestay will help you analyze what you really NEED vs what you WANT.
2) Have fun with your family in the kitchen learning to cook exotic new recipes. You will be less dependent on getting cooked meals delivered from restaurants, which will lead to savings. Post the lockdown, make cooking with the family a weekly Sunday activity. Some of the food can even be frozen to be consumed later in the week, when you are looking for something besides the usual “daal, subzi and roti.”
3) Going out for a movie for a family of four gets quite expensive if you include the cost of multiplex tickets & overpriced theatre snacks. Many new movies are now being shown in OTT platforms; like Netflix, Amazon Prime & Hotstar; soon after their theatre release. Get the family to watch these films together with a bowl of homemade popcorn and other snacks. Post this lockdown, you can even invite your friends for a fun evening of movie watching.
4) Analyze the monthly/annual memberships you have for Gyms and social clubs (E.g. Lions, Rotary, Kitty parties etc.). See how often you actually go to them. If your attendance is less than 30% in a year, consider giving these memberships up. Also, have a look at the paid software you have on your laptop & phone. If you have not used them for more than 6 months, consider downgrading to the free versions or using the many other free alternatives available online.
5) Use the time at home to clear out all the stuff you haven’t used in the last year. Please do not hoard things in the hope that you will use them “someday”. Sell these second-hand goods on platforms like Olx or Quikr. Better still, consider donating them to a local NGO.
6) If you own more than one car, consider selling the other one. You will be able to travel more conveniently in Ola/Uber in most cities. If you want to drive the car yourself, you can use a self-drive car rental service like Zoomcar to get around. Imagine how much you will save in car EMIs, maintenance, petrol and parking charges through this.
7) Develop a frugal mindset in all thing and identify ways you can save money. Identify the credit cards/online payment services that give you the best cash backs or rewards and use them as a priority. Purchase non-branded clothes & accessories, which tend to be of similar quality to the expensive brands. Aside from a haircut, most beauty parlor regimes can be done by yourself at home. Raise your home air conditioner temperature to at least 24 degrees Celsius, your body will adapt to the moderate temperature. Change all lightbulbs to cost saving LED or CFL ones. Take all electronics like TVs, A/Cs, Laptops etc. out of standby mode, as this could raise your monthly electrical bills. Keep looking for more of these minor ways to save money. All the little savings will add up to a lot.
8) Aside from cost savings, there are many ways you can increase your monthly income by starting an online business or doing online jobs in the evenings or weekends outside your 9-5 office hours. There are many websites like Upwork & Fiverr that let you bid for projects right from content writing to larger consulting projects. There are many sites that let you provide online tutoring and give other online job opportunities. All of these don’t require any investment except your time.
9) Warren Buffet said that the best time to buy is when everyone is selling. The equity markets will be very volatile for the coming year. However, due to the overall environment of fear, most people are selling their stocks and valuations are at all time lows. If you have a pool of capital that you do not need for living expenses, you may want to purchase stocks of good quality firms periodically as the market dips. This could give you overwhelming returns on your capital over the long term.
10) Have some regard for the less fortunate who are not able to weather the storm as easily as you can. Try to purchase supplies from small shops and hawkers as they need your money more than the large grocery outlets. Also, do not haggle too much as each extra rupee will count. Donate money or time to NGOs who are providing relief efforts for those greatly affected by the Covid-19 lockdown, like the homeless or stray animals.

"Remember, this tough period will go away at some point. Make the best of this short time to come out financially stronger and give you benefits that will last a lifetime!"

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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Myths & Facts About Corona Virus

Myths & Facts About Corona Virus
Myth & Fact

There are some myths & facts about corona virus -

Myth: There are special medicines to prevent corona virus.
Fact: To the date, there are no medicines recommended for prevention or cure the corona virus.
Myth: The corona virus affects older people.
Fact: People of all ages can be infected. Older people & people with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable.
Myth: Antibiotics are effective in preventing or treating the corona virus.
Fact: Antibiotics do not work against viruses. But, if you are hospitalized for COVID-19 doctors will give you antibiotics along with some other medicines; because bacterial co-infection is possible.
Myth: Eating garlic can help to prevent infection.
Fact: Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no such evidence from the current outbreak that garlic will protect people from the new corona virus.
Myth: Putting on sesame oil block the corona virus from entering the body.
Fact: No. Sesame oil does not kill the virus. Some chemical disinfectants such as chlorine-based disinfectant, ethanol & chloroform can help.

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This is how long the hand sanitizer lasts on your hand

( Parents © )

With the flare-up of novel coronavirus, the inquiry is presently more significant than any other time in recent memory, to what extent does the hand sanitizer keeps going on your hands? As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, perhaps the most ideal approaches to forestall the infection is by utilizing a hand sanitizer with in any event 60 percent liquor. Be that as it may, to what extent accomplish these work?

Hand sanitizer doesn't work long haul and in this way washing hands with cleanser and water ought to be everybody's first decision. In spite of the fact that indeed, liquor based sanitizers are a helpful choice to cleanser and water. Washing hands truly washes away the germs down the channel, while the hand sanitizers executes whatever is on your hand at that point. Yet, when you contact another debased surface, your hands get filthy once more. In this way, neither one of the hands washing or utilizing sanitizer keeps your hands clean for in excess of two or three minutes.

At the point when you are finished cleaning your hands using any and all means, there is no buildup left, yet you can recontaminate your hands immediately, by contacting another messy surface.

Along these lines, before you choose to eat something or contacting your face. you have to clean your hands once more. Doesn't make a difference regardless of whether you have cleaned them only 10 minutes prior.

While utilizing a hand sanitizer, make a point to cover all the surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry, suggests CDC. At the point when your hands are noticeably messy, the sanitizer and showers don't work.

Correct Steps For Use Of Hand Sanitizer

To wash your hands appropriately, foam up your hands with cleanser and rub for in any event 20 seconds, ensuring you get between the fingers and the rear of your hands. Remember to get under your nails by scratching your nails on the contrary palm.

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Friday, May 8, 2020

First COVID-19 vaccine test on animals successful

( CGTN © )

A coronavirus antibody created in China has been demonstrated viable in monkeys.

PiCoVacc, an immunization made by Beijing-based Sinovac Biotech, utilized an average strategy to keep the infection from contaminating living things: Putting an injured infection into a creature's body, compelling its invulnerable framework to deliver antibodies. The antibodies will likewise slaughter ordinary infections.

The scientists infused the antibody into rhesus macaques, a sort of monkey starting in India, and afterward presented the monkeys to the novel coronavirus three weeks after the fact.

One more week later, the monkeys that took the biggest dosages of the antibody didn't have the infection in their lungs, implying that the immunization worked.

In the interim, the monkeys that didn't get PiCoVacc came down with the infection and created serious pneumonia.

The immunization has been experiencing human tests in China since mid-April.

PiCoVacc isn't the main COVID-19 immunization that conveys the plan to end the pandemic that slaughtered a huge number of individuals around the world.

Another comparative item made by a Chinese military establishment is being tried on people. Sinopharm's item, utilizing a similar strategy as PiCoVacc, has entered the second period of clinical preliminaries.

Be that as it may, it might turn out to be difficult for designers to discover volunteers for testing sooner rather than later since the quantity of known coronavirus patients left in China is just in the hundreds. A similar circumstance carried the advancement of SARS immunizations to an all out stop in 2003.

(Spread photograph: Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody up-and-comer, PiCoVacc. /Screenshot from Science Magazine)

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Thursday, May 7, 2020

​Italy claims to develop first COVID-19 vaccine

​Italy claims to develop first COVID-19 vaccine
(TOI ©)

While different research bunches are creating potential immunizations, Italian researchers have professed to build up an antibody that has effectively produced antibodies in mice that deal with human cells. The antibody has been tried in the Spallanzani Hospital clinic in Rome. It is said to be one of the most progressive phases of testing of a potential antibody in the nation as the immunization kills the SARS-CoV-2 in the human cells.

After a solitary inoculation, the mice created antibodies that can hinder the infection from tainting human cells. The scientists chose the two best competitors in the wake of seeing that the five immunization applicants produced countless antibodies.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

​When will we have the coronavirus Vaccine / Immunization?

COVID-19 Vaccine

The world has held hands to discover an antibody for the novel coronavirus and researchers and clinical analysts over the globe are scrambling for the principal forward leap. Since the infection spreads effectively and is as of now overpowering the medicinal services arrangement of most nations, an immunization is the best method for putting a respite on the spread of irresistible malady. At present, right around 80 gatherings universally are working at break-neck speed for the equivalent, despite the fact that an immunization fit for people typically takes a very long time to create. As of now, there are 111 potential immunizations for the SARS-CoV-2 which are in various phases of clinical preliminaries.

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Will warmer weather stop the spread of Coronavirus?

Alcohol based hand sanitizer work best.

COVID-19 History

Will warmer weather stop the spread of coronavirus?

(Image: © WHO)

As the coronavirus loss of life keeps on rising, some have recommended that the moving toward hotter spring climate in the northern side of the equator may slow or even stop the spread of the sickness. US president Donald Trump resounded this, saying: "The warmth, as a rule, murders this sort of infection." But would he say he is correct?

The possibility that the moving toward spring may stem the spread of the malady comes generally from an examination with this season's cold virus. From multiple points of view COVID-19 resembles this season's cold virus – both spread in comparative manners (respiratory emissions and tainted surfaces) and both reason normally gentle respiratory maladies that can form into dangerous pneumonia. However, the transmissibility and seriousness of COVID-19 are a lot more prominent than influenza. Also, it isn't clear if COVID-19 transmission will be influenced via regular temperature variety.

For this season's flu virus, the beginning of spring causes a huge drop in the quantity of cases that perseveres until the arrival of colder temperatures in harvest time. This regularity of influenza is believed to be brought about by the affectability of the infection to various atmospheres and via occasional changes in the human insusceptible framework and in our examples of conduct.

To begin with, the influenza infection seems to endure better in chilly, dry climate with diminished bright light. Second, for a large number of us, the shorter winter days lead to diminished degrees of nutrient D and melatonin, which can influence the presentation of our insusceptible framework. Third, in the winter we invest more energy with others, inside and in closer vicinity, expanding open doors for the infection to spread.

Cross-sectional model of a CommonsCC BY-SA

Comparing other coronavirus outbreaks:

How at that point would these variables influence coronavirus transmission? It isn't clear what impact temperature and moistness have on the coronavirus itself, nor on its transmission. Some different coronaviruses are occasional, causing basic colds in the winter months. 

The 2002-2003 Sars plague additionally started in the northern side of the equator winter and finished in July 2003 with a little resurgence in cases in the accompanying winter. However, Sars cases topped in the hotter month of May, and the finish of the pandemic in July may essentially mirror the time required for infection control, as opposed with an impact of the late spring climate on infection transmission. Additionally, the related Mers coronavirus is fundamentally transmitted in hot nations.

Coming back to the correlation with this season's flu virus, the 2009-2010 flu infection pandemic started in the spring, expanded in quality over the spring and summer and crested the accompanying winter. This recommends in a pandemic, the high number of cases in numerous nations around the globe could empower proceeded with transmission of the infection all through the mid year, conquering any occasional inconstancy that would be seen in littler plagues. While the WHO has not yet pronounced a COVID-19 pandemic, numerous specialists accept we are quickly moving toward the pandemic stage. 

So the moving toward hotter climate may decrease viral transmission in the northern half of the globe (while possibly expanding transmission in the coming southern side of the equator winter), yet it is profoundly far-fetched that the climate itself will end this developing plague.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer work best.

This is an image of using an hand sanitizer for prevention from viruses
Alcohol-based hand sanitisers work best. 

Coronavirus: not all hand sanitisers neutralize it – this is what you should use

Since the episode of COVID-19, deals of hand sanitisers have taken off. It's become such a looked for after item, that drug stores and markets have begun restricting the number that individuals can purchase at once. New York state has even reported it will begin creating its own hand sanitiser to fulfill need. In spite of the fact that hand sanitisers can help decrease our danger of getting certain contaminations, not all hand sanitisers are similarly compelling against coronavirus. 

Similarly as with other viral respiratory diseases – like the normal cold and influenza – the novel coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2) is for the most part spread when infection loaded beads from an individual's mouth or nose are moved to others. Notwithstanding, an ongoing report has proposed that it can likewise spread through defecation.

Beside breathing in beads, you can likewise get respiratory infections including SARS-CoV-2 by contacting anything tainted with the infection and afterward contacting your face, specifically your mouth or nose. We contact our appearances a great deal without acknowledging it. An investigation from New South Wales found that individuals contact their countenances around multiple times 60 minutes

Washing with warm water and cleanser remains the highest quality level for hand cleanliness and forestalling the spread of irresistible infections. Washing with warm water (not cold water) and cleanser expels oils from our hands that can harbor organisms.

Be that as it may, hand sanitisers can likewise ensure against malady causing microorganisms, particularly in circumstances when cleanser and water aren't accessible. They're likewise demonstrated to be compelling in diminishing the number and sort of microorganisms.

There are two fundamental kinds of hand sanitisers: liquor based and liquor free. Liquor based hand sanitisers contain changing sums and sorts of liquor, frequently somewhere in the range of 60% and 95% and normally isopropyl liquor, ethanol (ethyl liquor) or n-propanol. Liquor is known to have the option to slaughter most germs.

Liquor free hand sanitisers contain something many refer to as quarternary ammonium mixes (for the most part benzalkonium chloride) rather than liquor. These can diminish organisms yet are less viable than liquor.

In addition to the fact that alcohol are based hand sanitisers saw as viable at murdering numerous kinds of microorganisms, including MRSA and E coli, they're additionally compelling against numerous infections, including the flu An infection, rhinovirus, hepatitis An infection, HIV, and Middle East respiratory condition coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

Destroying Viruses

Liquor assaults and decimates the envelope protein that encompasses some infections, including coronaviruses. This protein is indispensable for an infection's endurance and duplication. In any case, a hand sanitiser should be at any rate 60% liquor so as to slaughter most infections.

Hand sanitisers with under 60% liquor were additionally seen as less powerful at eliminating microorganisms and parasites and may just lessen the development of germs instead of slaughtering them by and large.

What's more, even hand sanitisers containing 60% liquor can't expel a wide range of germs. Studies have discovered that hand washing is more successful than hand sanitisers at evacuating norovirus, Cryptosporidium (a parasite that can cause the runs), and Clostridium difficile (microbes which mess entrail up and the runs).

With deficiencies driving a few people to attempt to make their own hand sanitisers, it's likewise imperative to know these probably won't be as successful as monetarily accessible items.

This is an image of washing hand to follow the precautions
Washing hands for 20 seconds with warm water works best

In the event that hands are obviously messy, hand washing with cleanser and water is more successful than utilizing liquor based hand sanitisers. Research has discovered that the cleanser impact of cleanser and the grinding of washing cooperate to diminish the quantity of microorganisms on our hands, just as the earth and natural materials.

Wheezing or hacking into your hands likewise requires something other than a siphon of hand sanitiser to purify them. This is supposing that your hands are tainted with mucous, the hand sanitiser probably won't function also in light of the fact that mucous demonstrations to secure organisms.

Thus, the best and most predictable method for forestalling the spread of the coronavirus – and decreasing your danger of contracting it – remains washing your hands with cleanser and water as a first decision, and abstaining from contacting your face however much as could reasonably be expected.

In any case, liquor based hand sanitisers (with at any rate 60% liquor) are a down to earth elective when cleanser and water aren't accessible. In the event that you are utilizing hand sanitiser, at that point, much the same as when washing with cleanser and water, you have to ensure you spread your hands (counting between your knuckles, wrists, palms, back of your hand and your fingernails) completely, focusing on it for in any event 20 seconds so it's really successful.

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Friday, May 1, 2020


                        PANDEMIC DATA


Normal side effects incorporate fever, hack and brevity of breath.Complications may incorporate pneumonia and intense respiratory misery disorder. The time from introduction to beginning of side effects is regularly around five days, however may go from two to fourteen days. There is no known antibody or explicit antiviral treatment.Primary treatment is symptomatic and strong treatment.

Suggested preventive measures incorporate hand washing, covering one's mouth when hacking, keeping up good ways from others, and checking and self-separation for individuals who speculate they are infected.Authorities worldwide have reacted by executing travel limitations, isolates, curfews and stay-at-home requests, working environment risk controls, and office terminations. Numerous spots have additionally attempted to expand testing limit and follow contacts of tainted people. 

The pandemic has caused serious worldwide financial disruption,including the biggest worldwide downturn since the Great Depression. It has prompted the delay or wiping out of donning, strict, political and social occasions, far reaching supply deficiencies exacerbated by alarm purchasing, and diminished outflows of contaminations and nursery gases.Schools, colleges and schools have shut either on an across the country or nearby premise in 196 nations, influencing roughly 98.4 percent of the world's understudy population.[Misinformation about the infection has spread online,and there have been episodes of xenophobia and victimization Chinese individuals and against those apparent as being Chinese, or as being from territories with high disease rates.

10 smart ways to manage your finances in times of Covid-19

The majority of the nation is confronting the trouble of an authorized lockdown due to Covid-19. Nonetheless, this additionally offers us th...